With its NaturTierra brand, Laboratorios Ynsadiet brings its products to supermarkets, hypermarkets and department stores in order to reach the mass market sector. In 1980 we launched the brand El Clerigo, in order to bring health care and natural nutrition to as many people as possible, which we later renamed NaturTierra. The success of our products led us to develop new lines that place us as a health food reference within large retail centres
Further information on NaturTierra can be found on our web.

With its NaturTierra brand, Laboratorios Ynsadiet brings its products to supermarkets, hypermarkets and department stores in order to reach the mass market sector. In 1980 we launched the brand El Clerigo, in order to bring health care and natural nutrition to as many people as possible, which we later renamed NaturTierra. The success of our products led us to develop new lines that place us as a health food reference within large retail centres
Further information on NaturTierra can be found on our web.